
Is it possible to create multiple url's for one survey?

  • 26 September 2023
  • 1 reply


I am wanting to track where people are seeing the link for the survey. Is it possible to have a different url for each location that survey is posted but the url for each goes to the same survey?

1 reply

Great idea! Unfortunately, this functionality isn’t currently available (though I’ll pass that request along to our Product team). To track where people saw the survey link, you could insert a multiple-choice question at the end of the survey, asking respondents where they heard about the survey. For this approach, we recommend including answer options for all outreach modes you use, along with choices for “word of mouth” and “other” (which can optionally have a free-text follow-up for respondents to share their specific source). If you have additional questions about setting this up, feel free to reach out at and we’ll work through it with you!
